Complete the template build tutorial
Implement two chart modifications based on the chart examples, two SQL modifications based on the SQL examples, and one layout modification based on the dashboard layout examples.
❏ Deliverable: A link to your online dashboard.
Based on your concept evaluations determine your team's preferred concept.
Refine your previous work as needed to be included in your proposal presentation. Ensure that each slide contributes to an explanation of a cohesive story that supports your concept and value proposition. Below is an outline you want in your proposal. Carefully consider how you will tell a convincing story about your team's concept.
a title slide
your value proposition
summary slides (or exemplars) of your teams work
Background research
Evaluation Results
Sketches or Descriptions of Potential Visualization Techniques
A Reminder on Value Propositions Value propositions clearly define key aspects of your proposed design that demonstrate it is a valuable and worthwhile product or service. It provides focus for your work. Here is a template to get you started. For [describe target users] who [describe problem or need], [name of product/service] is a [describe type of product/service] that [describe benefit or value].
❏ Deliverable Your team's proposal as a collection of slides and prepare to present your proposal to class and visitors from industry.
Narrow down your team concepts to the top three.
Complete the following details for each concept. You can use this template.
Potential Data Collection Methods
Initial Ideas and Sketches on Visualization Techniques
❏ Deliverable: Document containing three concepts.
As individuals, develop your own set of ideas and concepts that your team will review before selecting a final path. You want to come up with many diverse ideas without worrying too much about details. List at least 5 concepts. For each concept list the likely stakeholders and include 3 links to related concepts, data, or information on the web. Here is a template you can use.
Next, gather your team and provide every member an opportunity to share ideas. It is important that you listen to all ideas and fully consider them.
Select the top 6 ideas from the team and compare them based on three criteria. You can use this chart to visualize your concepts.
What is the potential level of community impact or value of the idea?
What is the team's level of interest in the concept topic?
How much access do you have to the needed data/information that you expect your will need?
❏ Deliverable: Documentation of individual concepts and a map of your concept comparisons.
In this phase you well begin to frame the goals of your team's design by learning about these important aspects.
stakeholders in your proposed solution
technology available to you and steps to creating data visualizations
available data and the larger context of problems to consider
After conducting research, you will develop initial design ideas and compose a clear value proposition that defines what your team will create, for whom, and the value it will bring. Finally, you will present a proposal to your class and the community for feedback, helping you refine your design direction moving into the next project phase.
Get feedback from two other teams in your class by explaining each concept and getting feedback on each of the following criteria.
Do they understand the concept?
Do they see the value of the proposed investigation?
How much do they seem interested in the topic?
What other feedback or ideas did you get?
Then, outside of class, ask for 3 people's feedback on each concept using the same criteria. So a team of 3 should get a total of 9 (at least) individuals' feedback outside of class. Try to get quality feedback from each of your target stakeholders. Coordinate with your team who will target each key group.
You can use this template.
❏ Deliverable: Document containing all evaluation results.
For this exercise you will explore visualizations online and to see the breadth of approaches and domains that visualization is applied. You will then select one visualization to analyze and share it with the class. Let's get some .
Explore visualizations at sites like , , and . Look for "information rich" examples that demonstrate a skillful use of visualization to convey some complex data. Do your own internet search for more visualization examples and galleries, like and .
Choose one visualization to analyze and record the items below in a document. Use if you would like.
Domain of the Visualization - Health, economy, sports, or employment, etc
Designers/Authors of the Visualization - Company and/or Individuals
Web Link to the Visualization
Stakeholders - Who is the content designed for? And who helped design or fund the content.
Conclusions - What direct conclusions can be drawn from the visualization?
Value - What is the value? Is it meant to call people to some action? Why will people care?
❏ Deliverable: Your Analysis Document - Be prepared to share what you found most compelling about the visualization and your analysis.