Your team will have external stakeholders evaluate your robot design. Your team's multi-view drawing and task scenario diagrams will act as a paper prototype of your robot design. Receiving constructive feedback will allow you to improve the design before creating a functional prototype.
Identify which types of participants would be most relevant and useful for evaluating your robot design. Be sure your participants will reflect the diversity of the real-life stakeholders that might use the robot or be affected by its use. Your team will need to conduct individual evaluations with 3-5 people, so determine how you might recruit these people, as well as when and where you would conduct each evaluation session.
Prepare a script to guide the evaluation session. The goal is to: (a) clearly and concisely present your robot design, and (b) gather constructive feedback on how to improve the robot design. Here are important elements to include in the script:
Introduce yourself and the evaluation purpose. Let the participant know the purpose is to improve your team's conceptual design of a robot before creating a functioning physical prototype. Let the participant know that questions and feedback are welcomed throughout the evaluation session.
Use your value proposition and multi-view drawing to introduce your team's robot concept. Be sure to explain the robot's overall purpose and the value it would provide. Briefly explain the sensors and other components that the robot would use to accomplish its tasks. Be sure to give the participant sufficient opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback. As necessary, ask the participant specific questions to prompt feedback on specific aspects of the robot concept.
Use your task scenario diagrams to show the specific tasks that your robot prototype will demonstrate. Let the participant know that the robot task demonstrations are limited to a 6 foot by 6 foot space, so each diagram represents a top-view model of the demonstration environment. For each scenario, describe the overall goal of the task, and explain each step the robot will take to complete the task. Be sure to give the participant sufficient opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback. As necessary, ask the participant specific questions to prompt feedback on specific aspects of the robot tasks and the demo environment.
Thank the participant for their time and feedback. If applicable, invite the participant to evaluate your functional robot prototype after it has been created — or to attend the public presentation event at the end of the semester.
Conduct individual evaluations with a total of 3-5 people, and record notes during (or immediately following) each session. The sooner you get feedback and ideas written down, the less likely things will be forgotten. Ideally, at least two team members would be present for each session, so one person facilitates the session, while the other person records notes. Your full team does not necessarily need to be present for each evaluation, but be sure each team member helps conduct at least one evaluation.
As a team, use the evaluation notes to analyze the feedback from all the participants, and summarize your team's evaluation findings. Thoughtfully review and analyze the feedback as a team, in order to determine what improvements could be made to your robot design and the tasks that will be demonstrated. Include the following information in the evaluation findings:
Participants: Describe each participant in terms of their gender, age, stakeholder role, or other relevant characteristics. Do not include the names of participants.
Summary of Feedback: List the feedback that you collected. This can be a bulleted list. The feedback doesn't have to prioritized or ranked, but it may be helpful to organize it in some meaningful way (e.g., lists of feedback by participant, lists of feedback by topic or feature, etc.).
Key Findings: Describe what your team decided were the key findings that should be acted on, and explain why.
Design Revisions: Describe what changes will be made to your team's robot specifications.
Make any necessary revisions to your team's robot specifications. If necessary, update your team's multi-view drawing and/or task scenario diagrams.
Submit your team's evaluation findings and revised robot specifications
✓- Below Standard
✓ Meets Standard
✓+ Exceeds Standard
You'll create your robot's demonstration environment, so it has the necessary features and objects to demonstrate your robot task scenarios.
Your teacher will confirm which type of surface that the teams will use to create their 6 ft × 6 ft robot demonstration environments. The demo environments might need to be created on a portable surface, so they can be stored and transported (e.g., between class meetings – or for the public presentation event). For example:
If there is sufficient floor space in the classroom or hallway, each team might receive a designated 6 ft × 6 ft floor space for the remainder of the project. Each space could be outlined using tape (masking, painter's, gaffer, electrical, etc.).
Butcher paper could be used to create a surface for the environments. Each team could tape together 2 pieces of 3 ft × 6 ft white butcher paper, in order to form a 6 ft × 6 ft sheet, which could be carefully rolled for storage.
Poster board could be used to create a surface for the environments. Each team could use 6 pieces of 2 ft × 3 ft white poster board, in order to form a 6 ft × 6 ft surface, which could be stacked or carefully folded for storage.
Use your team's robot specifications to determine the specific objects and features needed for your robot demo environment.
Determine which objects and features will be stationary and which need to be movable.
Stationary features will remain fixed in place throughout your robot demonstration (same location across all task scenarios).
Movable features will change location during your robot demonstration (either during a task scenario or between scenarios).
Determine which objects and features will be 2D representations and which should be 3D representations.
2D representations: Certain features could be created as flat representations (even if the real-life feature isn't flat). Stationary features could be drawn directly on the environment surface (if using butcher paper or poster board). Movable objects could be constructed with paper, cut out, and placed onto the environment surface.
3D representations: Cardboard and other materials can be used to create 3D representations of certain objects and features, such as walls, obstacles, etc.
Construct the objects and features needed for your team’s robot demo environment. Necessary materials and tools might include: paper, cardboard, adhesive tape, scissors, ruler, markers, etc. Your teacher will identify which materials and tools will be provided, as well as where each team can store its completed objects and features.
Use your team's task scenario diagrams to help determine the correct size for each object or feature.
If necessary, add specific details to make certain objects or features visually distinct or identifiable to your audience. The purpose is to make your demonstration easy to understand and compelling to viewers.
Set up your team’s robot demo environment with its objects and features. Use your team's task scenario diagrams to help determine the correct position for each object or feature. Be sure your robot will have sufficient space within the environment for driving, turning, etc.
Take a photo of your completed robot demo environment. If your task scenarios will have different layouts, then take a photo of each layout. Use an image editor (Google Drawing, etc.) to annotate the photo with text labels to identify key objects and features.
Use your demo environment to test and verify the programming of your robot's tasks and behaviors. Your team will most likely find it necessary to modify your demo environment (moving objects, etc.) and/or your robot's program, in order for the robot to successfully complete its tasks.
If you make a permanent change to the layout of your demo environment, be sure to update your task scenario diagram(s) to match and also take a new photo – so you have visual references to correctly set up the environment for the next test or demo.
CLEAR THE WAY: The robot needs a path that is about 18" (1.5 feet) wide in order to drive forward and make turns. If you place walls and other obstacles too close together in the environment, your robot might not be able to navigate through them.
Submit the annotated photo(s) of your team's robot demo environment
✓- Below Standard
✓ Meets Standard
✓+ Exceeds Standard
Your team will create design specifications for your robot prototype (including its demonstration environment), as well as for a fully-functional version of your robot concept.
These specifications will build upon your team’s robot task scenarios. Review your existing robot task scenarios, and determine if any changes should be made. You can use this template to document your team's final robot specifications.
MAKE A COPY: To use a template, be sure you're logged in to your Google Account. From the template's File menu, select Make a copy. Save the copy to your shared team folder in Google Drive. You can now modify it.
Briefly describe each task that your robot prototype will demonstrate. Include a diagram for each task (update the diagrams if necessary).
Identify which specific navigation mode(s) that your robot prototype will use to complete its tasks.
Identify which specific types of robot behaviors that your robot prototype will need to perform to complete its tasks.
Identify any robot behavior(s) that will need to be simulated during the demonstration, and describe how these will be simulated.
Identify specific metrics that could be used to measure or evaluate the robot's task performance (such as: accuracy, efficiency, avoiding errors, etc.).
Identify any parts that will need to be added to the robot prototype for demonstration purposes. Identify whether these parts provide aesthetic value, functional value, or both. Briefly describe how these parts might be constructed and added to the robot prototype.
Identify any objects or other features (surface lines, etc.) that will need to be added to the robot demonstration environment. Identify whether these objects and features provide aesthetic value, functional value, or both. Briefly describe how these objects and features might be constructed and added to the robot demo environment.
Briefly describe any additional functions or features that a full-scale, fully-functional version of your robot concept would have.
Identify any additional components (specific sensors, motors, etc.) that a fully-functional version of your robot would require. You may need to conduct research to verify which specific components would be feasible to use for specific tasks or behaviors.
For example, a GPS receiver has a margin of error of about 15 feet compared to its actual location – while that might be close enough for navigating a vehicle on roadways, it might not be accurate enough for your robot’s intended use.
Create a multi-view drawing (also called an orthographic drawing) of a fully-functional version of your robot concept, which may have different parts and features that your robot prototype won’t have. Include an image of this drawing in your specifications document.
The multi-view drawing should show the front, side, and top views of the robot. Include enough detail to show and label key parts (such as: sensors, etc.).
Be sure the height, width, and depth of the robot and its parts are drawn to scale. Use the same scale for each view.
Each view should be dimensioned by listing the real-life sizes (height, width, depth) of the robot and its key parts.
OPTIONAL: You could use your multi-view drawing to also create a 3D digital model of the robot design using CAD software (such as: Tinkercad, etc.).
Submit your team's robot specifications document
✓- Below Standard
✓ Meets Standard
✓+ Exceeds Standard
You'll program an app to make your robot demonstrate its task scenarios. You'll test your robot app (and the robot's task performance) using your team's robot demo environment.
ONE APP TO RULE THEM ALL: You'll program one app that contains all the code to demonstrate each of your task scenarios. You'll be able to use the robot's D12 button to start each task and perform them in sequence.
Use your robot specifications and task scenario diagrams to create pseudocode for each task. The pseudocode should logically describe the specific steps (in order) that the robot will have to perform for each task. Pseudocode is usually written in "plain language" – but it can also include "code-like" language (such as if
statements, etc.).
Certain steps can be simulated as long your robot can perform the main actions of the task. For example, a team member could act as a "robotic arm" to pick up objects, as long as your robot performs the other necessary actions of the task (e.g., transporting the object to a new location, etc.).
Use your robot specifications and pseudocode to determine what custom functions will be needed in your app to allow your robot to navigate its environment and perform other behaviors.
For example, if your robot will navigate by following a line while counting other line markers it crosses, your app will need the followCountLine()
function, as well as the followLine()
, driveDistance()
, and pivotAngle()
You can also create your own custom functions. This is especially helpful if the same set of actions will be repeated multiple times within your app.
Code your app in stages, and use your team's demo environment to periodically test and verify that your robot does what you expect.
Start with this robot demo app template, and add the necessary code to customize it to demonstrate your team's task scenarios.
You'll most likely find it necessary to modify your robot's app code and/or your demo environment, in order for the robot to successfully perform its behaviors and complete its tasks.
Use the metric(s) described in your robot specifications to measure or evaluate your robot's task performance (accuracy, efficiency, avoiding errors, etc.).
Each task scenario should be evaluated with at least one task performance metric. If applicable, you can use the same metric for multiple tasks.
If necessary, you might be able to modify your app code and/or demo environment to improve your robot's task performance.
Once you are satisfied with the robot's performance (or can't improve it further), perform 3-5 final trials as a benchmark test of the robot's performance, and create a table to report the results for each trial, as well as the average result(s) across the trials.
OPTIONAL: If applicable, you can construct and attach parts to your robot that will help it better demonstrate your robot concept and task scenarios. For example, if your robot is designed to transport objects, you could add a platform or basket to hold objects.
The parts should provide functional value by helping the robot perform its tasks and/or aesthetic value by adding to the robot's appearance.
Be sure the added parts don't interfere with your robot’s functionality (e.g., don’t block sensors the robot needs to use, don’t add too much weight and reduce the robot's mobility, etc.).
Take a photo showing the constructed parts attached to your robot. Use an image editor (Google Drawing, etc.) to annotate the photo with text labels that explain the purpose of the constructed parts.
Submit the following:
Pseudocode for each task scenario
Arduino code (.ino
file) for the completed robot app
Table with robot task performance results
If applicable: Annotated photo showing constructed parts added to robot
This pseudocode example is based on the example task scenario diagram included in assignment 1.7 Robot Task Scenarios. The pseudocode uses plain language to describe the specific steps in order that the robot needs to perform to correctly complete the task.
This shows how the example pseudocode above could be converted into actual Arduino code to perform the task scenario. The code uses the driveDistance()
and pivotAngle()
custom functions for many of the task steps. Notice that the explanations in the pseudocode were converted into code comments to make it easier to understand (and modify) the code.
These example results use the task performance metrics listed in the example task scenario diagram included in assignment 1.7 Robot Task Scenarios. For each metric, conduct 3-5 trials and calculate the average performance.
✓- Below Standard
✓ Meets Standard
✓+ Exceeds Standard
Create a schedule to design and develop your solution, based on the available time and resources. Define design specifications for your robot prototype, as well as for your fully-functional robot concept. Use a paper prototype of your task scenarios to evaluate them with external users, and make any necessary refinements. Construct your robot's demonstration environment, and program your robot prototype to perform its tasks. Internally test your robot solution to verify its effectiveness, measure its performance, and identify any issues. Create a product website and demo video to help explain and show your robot solution to others. Use your project schedule to continually track your team's progress, in order to finish on time. Demonstrate your solution to the class.
This phase of the project will require about 5-7 weeks to complete. Your teacher will identify the specific deadline(s) for the task assignments.
Estimated Time
1 hour
3 hours
3 hours
5 hours
10-20 hours
5 hours
2 hours
2 hours
Your team needs to create a project schedule to help ensure that you'll complete all the necessary tasks involved to design and develop your team's robot solution. This phase of the project will require about 4-6 weeks to complete. Your teacher will identify the specific deadline(s) for this project phase.
This flowchart shows the major tasks that your team must complete during this project phase:
In the first task, your team will work together to define your robot specifications. This will give your team a shared vision of what your robot solution will have and be able to do.
Then your team members will start to work in parallel on different tasks, depending on their team role. Some of the tasks must be completed in a certain order. When necessary, you might have multiple team members working together on certain tasks.
Your team will finish this project phase by presenting your working robot solution to the class. (In the next project phase, your team will evaluate your solution with people outside your team, in order to refine the solution before the final public presentation.)
There are different methods and formats for project schedules (Critical Path, Gantt Chart, etc.), but developing and using a project schedule typically involves these steps:
Identify the sequence of tasks to be completed (which might require dividing major tasks into subtasks)
Assign one or more team members to lead or perform each task
Estimate the amount of time to complete each task
Develop a draft schedule with specific dates for working on the tasks
Finalize the schedule by making any necessary adjustments (task sequence, assigned resources, durations, dates, etc.) to ensure the project deadline(s) will be met
Use the schedule to monitor the team's progress on a regular basis, and make any necessary adjustments to keep the project on track
Your teacher might assign a specific format or template for your team's project schedule.
If not, you could use this project schedule template, which has a simple format that assigns tasks by week (similar to a weekly sprint in Scrum or Agile planning).
Submit your team's project schedule
Provide weekly updates on your team's progress
Here's an example of a project schedule that breaks down the major task into weeks.
NOTE: Your project schedule might use a different format that has more detailed information (such as: subtasks, estimated durations for tasks, start & end dates for tasks, etc.).
✓- Below Standard
✓ Meets Standard
✓+ Exceeds Standard
You'll create a slide presentation that explains and demonstrates the robot prototype that your team designed and developed as your project solution. Practice your presentation before delivering it to your class. This will be an opportunity for other project teams to ask questions and provide constructive feedback to help your team improve its solution.
Your team's presentation should include the following (in this order):
Project Team: product name, team name, team members & their roles
Value Proposition: Be sure the value proposition is clear and compelling.
Persona: Be sure the persona is useful for understanding the target users/stakeholders that the solution was designed for.
Robot Specifications: Show and explain the multi-view drawing of your fully-functional robot design, as well as the task scenario diagrams for the robot prototype.
Paper Prototype Evaluation: Briefly describe the participants (number, gender, age, stakeholder role, etc.) involved in the evaluation of your robot design, and briefly summarize the evaluation findings.
Product Website: Show your team's product website, and briefly explain how the website's content and design help effectively explain and market your team's robot concept.
Robot Demonstration: Show your team's robot demo video. Briefly summarize the robot's task performance results.
The presentation should have 8-12 slides and take 5-10 minutes to deliver.
Submit your team’s slide presentation
You'll create a robot demo video that will show and explain your team's functional robot prototype demonstrating its tasks. You'll include the video in your team's .
Create a script and for your team's product demo video, which should be about 1-3 minutes in length. As necessary, tailor the video content to your target users/stakeholders, as represented by your team's persona. Be sure the video will be clear, concise, engaging, and professional.
For the script, be sure to describe what problem the robot is designed to solve, as well as the value it provides to users/stakeholders. The script should also describe each task scenario, including key steps or behaviors demonstrated by the robot prototype.
For the storyboard, decide which will be most effective for the different tasks or steps in the video. The simplest approach would be to use a fixed camera position showing the entire robot demo environment. However, it may help to use certain types of camera shots to highlight certain details or behaviors.
Use your script, storyboard, robot prototype, and demo environment to practice the video.
The person that will narrate should practice what they will say and should be able to sync the narration to the robot's actions.
If you're not using a fixed camera position, the camera person should practice capturing the camera shots using different camera movements (changing position, tilting up or down, panning left or right, zooming in or out, etc.).
If your team can record the final video (and its audio) in one continuous take, you'll avoid or minimize the need to edit the video.
Record and finalize the video.
If necessary, record additional takes.
If necessary, edit the video to finalize it (cut and splice scenes, add titles or captions, add or edit narration, etc.).
Upload the final video to a site (such as: Google Drive, YouTube, etc.) that will allow you to embed (or link to) the video in your team’s product website.
Submit a link to your team's robot demo video.
Here are some real-life examples of robot product videos:
Because your team's robot is an early prototype, your video will be more of a demonstration, rather than a polished commercial for a finished product.
✓- Below Standard
✓ Meets Standard
✓+ Exceeds Standard
✓- Below Standard
✓ Meets Standard
✓+ Exceeds Standard
You'll create a one-page product marketing website for your team's robot solution, which will include a robot demo video that you'll create. This website will be made public to allow more people to learn about your robot project.
Gather and/or create the content (text, images, video, etc.) for your team’s product marketing website. As necessary, tailor the content to your target users, as represented by your team's persona. Be sure the content is clear, concise, engaging, and professional. Your website should include the following (but you can add other content if helpful):
Product Name
Product Description (can use value proposition as starting point)
Robot Conceptual Design (multi-view drawing of fully-functional robot concept)
Features (list tasks and behaviors that robot can perform – list for prototype and for fully-functional version)
Tech Specs (list robot's sensors, outputs, etc. – list for prototype and for fully-functional version)
Robot Demo Video (demonstration of robot prototype performing tasks – in addition to video, may help to include diagrams of tasks)
Create a visual design for your team's website that will be engaging, professional, and reinforce your product concept. As necessary, tailor the design to your target users.
Sketch possible ideas for the overall layout of the content on the webpage.
Determine the final layout and its overall style (such as: colors, fonts, etc.)
Build the website using a tool such as Google Sites (available within Google Drive, see guide to Get Started with Sites) – or code the website directly using HTML and CSS.
Include a temporary placeholder for the robot demo video until it is ready to add to the website
In the next phase of the project, you'll test the website with people outside your team to determine how effective the website is at explaining and marketing your team's solution.
Submit a link to your team's product website for its robot solution.
Here are some real-life examples of product websites for robots (though they are not limited to one webpage):
✓- Below Standard
✓ Meets Standard
✓+ Exceeds Standard