C-7 Web App HTML

Next, you'll create a web app that will interact with your Smart Light device through Particle Cloud.

Your web app will consist of an HTML file namedindex.html, a CSS file named style.css, and a JavaScript file named script.js.

Particle Build is only used to code your Photon device app. You'll need to use a different code editor to create the HTML, CSS, and JS files for your web app. Consult your teacher to determine which code editor will be most appropriate to use for your web app files.


Copy this HTML, and paste it into a blank HTML file named index.html:

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<meta charset="utf-8">
		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
        <title>Smart Light</title>
        <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
        <h1>My Smart Lights</h1>
        <div id="light1" class="card">
            <h2 id="light1-name">Light 1</h2>
            <h2 id="light1-status">Connecting...</h2>
            <button id="light1-button" onclick="toggleLight1();">Wait</button>
        <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/particle-api-js/7.3.0/particle.min.js"></script>
        <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
        <script src="script.js"></script>

COPY CODE: When using this IoT code guidebook, you can copy a code block simply by clicking the copy icon displayed in the upper right of the code block.

This HTML does three main things:

  1. It loads a CSS stylesheet file.

  2. It loads three JavaScript files.

  3. It displays a "card" with the light's name, the light's status, and a button that can be clicked to remotely toggle the light on or off.


In the <head> section, line 7 of the HTML has a <link> tag to load a CSS stylesheet file. The CSS stylesheet will be used to modify the appearance of certain HTML elements in your web app.

At the moment, your web app CSS file named style.css is either blank or hasn't been created yet.


At the bottom of the <body> section, lines 16-18 of the HTML contain <script> tags to load three JavaScript files into your web app:

  1. Particle API JS library: particle.min.js

  2. jQuery JS library: jquery.min.js

  3. Your web app JS file: script.js

The Particle API JS library contains methods to allow your web app to interact with your Photon device through Particle Cloud. You'll use Particle methods in your web app JS file.

The jQuery JS library contains methods that make it easy to modify the content and style of your web app by dynamically changing its HTML and CSS. You'll use jQuery methods in your web app JS file.

At the moment, your web app JS file named script.js is either blank or hasn't been created yet.


In the <body> section of your web app, lines 10-15 of the HTML display an <h1> heading and then a <div> section that will become a "card" displaying the following information:

  1. The name of the light, which is simply named Light 1 in this case, but this could be changed to something more specific such as Desk Light, Hall Light, etc.

  2. The status of the light, which has been displayed using the placeholder text of Connecting.... Once the web app has connected to Particle Cloud, your web app JS will dynamically change this placeholder text to display the actual light status as either ON or OFF.

  3. A button to toggle the light on or off, which has been given a placeholder label of Wait. Once the web app has connected to Particle Cloud, your web app JS will dynamically change this button label to either Turn Off (if the light is currently on) or Turn On (if the light is currently off).

Preview Web App

If you preview the web app at this point, it's very plain (because there's no CSS in the style.css file) and it doesn't function yet (because there's no JS in the code.js file).

Last updated