Summary of Cross-Disciplinary Projects

A repository of Cross-disciplinary project guides for middle school and high school classrooms.

Whether you teach math, language arts, history, or computer science – prepare for a short project that intersects computer science with other disciplines.

Project Guide


Proposing Solutions in Computing

Students investigate a problem, defining the key stakeholders and identifying the opportunities for improvement with computing technologies. Students will then generate proposals for presentation.

Business, Design, and Language Arts

Sketching and Prototyping in Computing

Students envision a new mobile application through sketches and generate a dynamic prototype (without coding) to evaluate their idea.

Engineering Design, Drawing and Art

Product Evaluation in Computing

Students conduct a careful study of an existing computer/phone product for usability and user experience. Students will synthesize a report or presentation to share their findings and recommendations.

Business, Design, Language Arts

CS for Math & Science: Charting Data

Students process and prepare data for visualization with a combination of spreadsheets and graphics software.

Math, Science, and Engineering

CS for Language Arts: Use Machine Learning to Analyze Writing

Students experiment with natural language processing techniques to analyze writing and evaluate the value and risk it brings.

Language Arts and Social Sciences

Build a Flash Card App Study Guide for Any Course

Students input course content for a flash card application and then style it for a fun and engaging experience.

Any Subject

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