Take this opportunity to wrap-up your trivia app the best you can in order to begin testing your game in the next phase.
❏ Deliverable
A slide set with a link to your prototype, a summary of evaluation results, a copy of your marketing card, and a link to your working trivia app. Prepare to demonstrate and present your background work.
✓- Below Standard
✓ At Standard
✓+ Above Standard
The live trivia app is functioning, but the style and/or content has been developed very little from the base template provided.
The app demonstrates intentional design and styling consistent with the team's concept and goals. The app code and features demonstrate a customized interaction that largely functions as desired.
The app is clearly a work of diligent and thoughtful work that goes beyond the base requirements for the project.
The demonstration and development review were presented but lack a cohesive explanation.
The demonstration and development review provided a coherent explanation of the background work completed and the functions and features of the demonstrated application.
The demonstration demonstrated an exceptional development process due to the prototyping and evaluation work.